
Friday, September 20, 2019

Science: Investigating Matter

Students have been engaged in our science curriculum learning about states of matter through hands-on inquiry investigations!

Exploring the properties of solids:
Students sorted solid objects by their different properties. 


Finding the mass of matter:
Students used a pan balance and gram cubes to compare the mass of two classroom objects.

Creating oobleck:
Can matter have properties of both solids and liquids?

Launching Reader's Workshop

Throughout Reader's Workshop in the past few weeks, students practiced expanding their reading selection by choosing a ‘just right’ book. We read the mentor text Goldi Socks and the Three Libearians, and discussed the “five finger rule”.

have also expanded my reading expectations for students with book bins. Students choose books from the classroom library to read independently. Each day, the students will participate in a mini-lesson with the class, read independently, or conference with me in a small guided reading group. Each student is responsible for responding to our focus lesson and sharing their thinking with the group when we 'turn and talk'.

Writer's Workshop: Map of My Heart

In Writer’s Workshop last week we read a fun mentor text ‘The Best Story’ and students brainstormed ideas for a ‘Map of My Heart’. We will be doing a lot of writing in our classroom over the next few weeks to celebrate the fall and Halloween season just around the corner.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Welcome to Second Grade!

Welcome to second grade! Here is a tour of our classroom!

Every morning we take attendance and lunch, review the schedule of the day, and sing our morning song! Here are the lyrics in case your child wants to practice them at home!